
Applied statistical modelling

You will enjoy M348 if…

  • you love exploring interesting datasets
  • you want to solve practical problems by modelling
  • econometrics or data science sounds fun
  • you want amazing, free statistical software #rstats


Three coursebooks (including both strands!) and a handbook (click to enlarge)

Computing Environment

  • R (free, open-source, first-class language đź’š)
  • All software runs in browser - VLE with all packages preinstalled and ready to go.

Day-in-the-life of M348

Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'mannaash' not found
     treeID         diameter          height         side   
 Min.   :236.0   Min.   :0.1500   Min.   : 4.000   east:11  
 1st Qu.:247.2   1st Qu.:0.2000   1st Qu.: 7.000   west:31  
 Median :258.5   Median :0.2400   Median : 8.000            
 Mean   :257.8   Mean   :0.2424   Mean   : 8.024            
 3rd Qu.:268.8   3rd Qu.:0.2775   3rd Qu.: 9.000            
 Max.   :279.0   Max.   :0.3500   Max.   :10.000            


side <- mannaAsh$side
plot(mannaAsh$diameter, mannaAsh$height, pch=as.numeric(side))
legend("bottomleft", title="side", legend=levels(side), col=5, 
pch = seq_along(levels(side)))
heightSimple <- lm(height ~ diameter, data=mannaAsh)
heightParallel <- lm(height ~ side + diameter, data=mannaAsh)
anova(heightSimple, heightParallel)
Analysis of Variance Table

Model 1: height ~ diameter
Model 2: height ~ side + diameter
  Res.Df     RSS Df Sum of Sq    F    Pr(>F)    
1     40 105.055                                
2     39  55.293  1    49.763 35.1 6.594e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

So the formal test result is significant - confirming our intuition. We should include “side” in the model, giving two parallel slopes.

Thanks for visiting!

The tutors and students of M348 are a wonderful mix of economists, computer scientists, mathematicians… You’ll love it!